Thursday, April 29, 2010

Designing the magazine advert

From research and audience research, The Feeling dont have many magazine adverts, or feature in many magazines, which made the construction of the magazine advert harder than normal. One reason why The Feeling dont have magazine adverts is because they are only targeting their target audience (who are already fans of the band) and therefore they would keep updated via the forums and the website for information on concerts or in this case, new CD releases.

To make it easier for me to construct a professional magazine advert for The Feeling, i did some research in my local supermarket, and raided their magazine rack. I took photos of band adverts that were in the 'Rolling Stone' magazine and 'NME', magazines which feature The Feelings genre in the content. These are the adverts i took -

Notice that there are two adverts for HMV promoting two albums, but they are completely different, promoting the artists in completely different ways; possibly on the theme and style of the band, or the cover image. I need to decide whether the advert should follow the same theme as the CD cover, or be more towards The Feelings brand image?

I have designed two magazine covers, one that focuses on the bands image and style, and the other is on the cover image of the CD, both keep continuity between the products and the band.

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