Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Results from - About the audience (1) questionnaire

I have had a great response back from the questionnaires that i posted on social networking sites and The Feelings forum on their website with over 90 questionnaires filled out. The responses that i have received have given me so much valuable information about The Feelings' audience, what they think of The Feelings image and products which has given be a fantastic insight on what i should include on my cover and advert.

The Results
  1. Male/ Female = 50/50 - equal importance of males and females in the audience
  2. 16 - 18 and 19 - 24 - teenagers and young adults mostly listen to the feeling (they live the hedonistic life that the feeling show)
  3. 80% of participants have heard of the feeling (they are a moderately known band)
  4. 42% of participants listen to the feeling
  5. 75% dont listen to the feeling that often, only 6.3% listen every day (hardcore feeling fans)
  6. N/A
  7. The Feelings genre classified as; pop, indie, soft rock, modern pop, alternative
  8. The Feelings music is described as; happy, easy to listen to, up beat, feel good, different styles under one genre, uplifting, cheesy, inspiring, catchy
  9. The audience of the questionnaire mainly listen to; pop, RnB, Indie, but its mainly mixed
  10. The Feelings image is classed as; indie boy band, casual, clean cut, smart, individual, old fashioned, modern yet contemporary.
These results show me that the feelings style and music play a large part in their image and how they are seen and recognized as a band. This is important as it is how the band should be represented on the digipak or advert and the influence of their genre of music on the products i will create.

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