Monday, April 26, 2010

Photo-shoot planning

As i am re-designing the CD cover and magazine advert, i will need to change the locations of the photo-shoots that i will use for them. One of the photo-shoots will be of the band, and the other of the two actors in the music video.
I will be using the photo-shoot pictures of the band for the back of the digipak, this is so that the band are more evident in the products. I found out from research that The Feelings audience would like to see more of the band in their products to widen their audience. I have looked at some of The Feelings photos from previous photo-shoots, and the same style of pose, clothing and locations are used.

Here are some of The Feelings photos -

Most of The Feelings photos have a similar style; the members of the band are layered in front and behind each other, also the clothes that they wear are very smart, it makes the band look professional. The audience have commented that they like the way The Feeling dress because it is unique, it makes the band look professional. I would like to implement both these styles into my photo-shoot; the band will be wearing black and white shirts with white skinny ties and jackets. This gives them the same smart style of The Feeling, which is what i want in my digipak - to move away from the pop art style of covers and make the bands products much more band orientated, so they are easily recognized by not only their music, but also by their style and image.

Band Photo-shoot


Old drama studio

Use of bright studio lights and black curtains for a professional look


The band

Band photo-shoot


Lead singer – white shirt & black skinny tie, Band – black shirt & white skinny tie

Makes the band look professional and stylized like The Feeling, same costume used in the video for continuity


1 hour

One main band photo needed and 4 separate of each band member for the digipak.

Photo-shoot sketch

These are the photos from the photo-shoot -

I will be using the large group photo for the back cover, and the small single photos for the inside of the digipak. This is part of the re-styling of The Feelings covers, my research suggested that the audience would like to see more of the band in their products, so i decided to change the style of the digipak to a more band and style orientated theme, much like The Feelings website.

Cover Photo-shoot

I will be using the two main actors from the music video for the cover of the digipak, as this re-enforces the link between each product, therefore making the recognizability of the products and the brand stronger.


School hall/stage

Plain white background can be edited out of the photo during post production


Zak & Charlotte (characters from video)

Re-enforces links between each product making the band recognisability stronger


Same as the video – t shit and shorts / summer dress

Having the same costume as the video keeps the continuity between the texts


30 minutes

Enough time to take a range of shots in different lights and camera settings

This is the plan for the photo-shoot -

The photo will be taken from behind so that the studio lights that are in front of the actors create a silhouette effect around the bodies of the actors. This gives the photo a romantic look, while looking summery.

These are the photos from the photo-shoot -

I think these photos are great, just what i need for the cover of the digipak. Having the lights in front of the actors create a romantic glow around their bodies while their bodies are in shadow.

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