Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Analysis of the results

I have gained a great amount of information from the research i have conducted about what the feelings target audience think the digipak i am constructing should be like, as well as their opinions of the feelings CD covers, brand and image. I have drawn out a mindmap of everything i have found out from my research, which will be my guide to what my digipak will look like.

My results have shown me that the digipak should;
  • be pop arty for continuity
  • be band orientated because the random object got old
  • promote the music as a style
  • be about the song & similar to the video
  • symbolically represent the song
  • include the feelings logo
  • represent the bands style and image
  • use bright colours, be funky, quirky and retro
The information in the digipak should ;
  • have pictures of the band and band members
  • lyrics of the song
  • live images
  • interviews
  • biogs
  • record label
From this i can see that there are 4 main styles that the digipak (especially the cover) should be;
  1. A picture of the band
  2. About the music video and interpretation of the song
  3. Pop arty, random and colourful like current covers
I will design the covers that follow the suggestions that the research has given me, then conduct more research on what the chosen cover and digipak should be.

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