Thursday, April 29, 2010

Construction of the digipak cover

I started constructing the digipak cover by firstly importing a picture that i look when i was location planning for the photo-shoots, as this would act as the backdrop for the picture. I started by changing the colour balance as i wanted the cover to look like a sunset, so i increased the red and yellow colours in the mid tones and highlights.

I then imported the best photo-shoot image of Zak and Charlotte and used the rubber tool to delete most of the white background. I then used the select tool to select their outlines and inverted it so i could only rub out what was not selected (not their bodies). This stopped me from rubbing out their outline and bodies.

After i had rubbed out most of the background, i added a vanishing point to the picture, so the two layers were in perspective with each other. I also added a gradient using the gradient tool to the sky to make it look like a sunset.

I then experimented with different light effects to see if i can create an artificial sunlight. I used the lighting effects tool on the background location photo to create a light effect in the photo.

Unfortunately, the light effect was too bright and distorted the colour and image of the background photo, so i deleted it. Instead i created another layer which would be the bottom layer. To this i added a sunset gradient and a lens flare which would act as an artificial sun. I placed the lens flare just above Charlottes head as this is where the top line of trees ends, this makes the sun look like it is just setting over the trees, the perfect sunset picture.

I then imported the CD cover into the digipak and resized it to the right size. I also added the title of the CD to the cover to the digipak to complete the cover.

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