Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finalizing the digipak

I have now finished the construction of the digipak and the CD label, this is the finished product. I decided to choose the CD label that included the actors as this is not obscured by the trim of the CD and it is linked to the music video and the cover of the digipak, keeping continuity.

This is the finished digipak -

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Construction of the magazine advert

I started cosntructing the magazine adverts by creating a new blank A4 size paper, turning it into a layer by double clicking it, then filling it with a black background. This is the base layer for the advert. I chose black because it makes the neon feeling logo stand out, as well as complimenting the photo from the photo-shoot and keeping consistency between the advert and the digipak.

I then opened the digipak file and selected the original logo i made, this is to save time creating a new logo. I did this by using the select tool and copying it into the advert file.

I then did the same for the photo of the band in the digipak file. This is because i edited some of the photos colour balance and brightness and wanted to keep the same settings in the advert.

I flipped the band picture in the advert so it was the right way up. I then changed the exposiure to make the picture brighter.

I then added a new text layer in which 'Sun Is Shining' will be written as this is the name of the new single the advert is promoting. I used the Andes font as this is the font The Feeling use.

Like other magazine adverts, i decided to include the name of a retailer who would be stocking the single in the shops. I decided to use hmv, as this is a nationwide brand. I downloaded a font from 'dafont' which was the most similar to the font hmv use, and then added the text at the bottom of the advert. I also added the text 'available at hmv.com' as this was also on other magazine adverts i saw.

I also added some extra text informing the reader that the single is available now to buy.

This is the finished brand style advert.

To create the second advert, the one that is similar to the video and cover of the digipak i created a new A4 layer. I then copied the picture from the CD cover file into the advert file, as this saves time re-creating the image. I then added the title text, as well as 'available now' text using the text tool in the Andes font. I then added the island records label to re-enforce The Feelings brand. This is the second finished advert.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Designing the magazine advert

From research and audience research, The Feeling dont have many magazine adverts, or feature in many magazines, which made the construction of the magazine advert harder than normal. One reason why The Feeling dont have magazine adverts is because they are only targeting their target audience (who are already fans of the band) and therefore they would keep updated via the forums and the website for information on concerts or in this case, new CD releases.

To make it easier for me to construct a professional magazine advert for The Feeling, i did some research in my local supermarket, and raided their magazine rack. I took photos of band adverts that were in the 'Rolling Stone' magazine and 'NME', magazines which feature The Feelings genre in the content. These are the adverts i took -

Notice that there are two adverts for HMV promoting two albums, but they are completely different, promoting the artists in completely different ways; possibly on the theme and style of the band, or the cover image. I need to decide whether the advert should follow the same theme as the CD cover, or be more towards The Feelings brand image?

I have designed two magazine covers, one that focuses on the bands image and style, and the other is on the cover image of the CD, both keep continuity between the products and the band.

Construction of the digipak cover

I started constructing the digipak cover by firstly importing a picture that i look when i was location planning for the photo-shoots, as this would act as the backdrop for the picture. I started by changing the colour balance as i wanted the cover to look like a sunset, so i increased the red and yellow colours in the mid tones and highlights.

I then imported the best photo-shoot image of Zak and Charlotte and used the rubber tool to delete most of the white background. I then used the select tool to select their outlines and inverted it so i could only rub out what was not selected (not their bodies). This stopped me from rubbing out their outline and bodies.

After i had rubbed out most of the background, i added a vanishing point to the picture, so the two layers were in perspective with each other. I also added a gradient using the gradient tool to the sky to make it look like a sunset.

I then experimented with different light effects to see if i can create an artificial sunlight. I used the lighting effects tool on the background location photo to create a light effect in the photo.

Unfortunately, the light effect was too bright and distorted the colour and image of the background photo, so i deleted it. Instead i created another layer which would be the bottom layer. To this i added a sunset gradient and a lens flare which would act as an artificial sun. I placed the lens flare just above Charlottes head as this is where the top line of trees ends, this makes the sun look like it is just setting over the trees, the perfect sunset picture.

I then imported the CD cover into the digipak and resized it to the right size. I also added the title of the CD to the cover to the digipak to complete the cover.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Photo-shoot planning

As i am re-designing the CD cover and magazine advert, i will need to change the locations of the photo-shoots that i will use for them. One of the photo-shoots will be of the band, and the other of the two actors in the music video.
I will be using the photo-shoot pictures of the band for the back of the digipak, this is so that the band are more evident in the products. I found out from research that The Feelings audience would like to see more of the band in their products to widen their audience. I have looked at some of The Feelings photos from previous photo-shoots, and the same style of pose, clothing and locations are used.

Here are some of The Feelings photos -

Most of The Feelings photos have a similar style; the members of the band are layered in front and behind each other, also the clothes that they wear are very smart, it makes the band look professional. The audience have commented that they like the way The Feeling dress because it is unique, it makes the band look professional. I would like to implement both these styles into my photo-shoot; the band will be wearing black and white shirts with white skinny ties and jackets. This gives them the same smart style of The Feeling, which is what i want in my digipak - to move away from the pop art style of covers and make the bands products much more band orientated, so they are easily recognized by not only their music, but also by their style and image.

Band Photo-shoot


Old drama studio

Use of bright studio lights and black curtains for a professional look


The band

Band photo-shoot


Lead singer – white shirt & black skinny tie, Band – black shirt & white skinny tie

Makes the band look professional and stylized like The Feeling, same costume used in the video for continuity


1 hour

One main band photo needed and 4 separate of each band member for the digipak.

Photo-shoot sketch

These are the photos from the photo-shoot -

I will be using the large group photo for the back cover, and the small single photos for the inside of the digipak. This is part of the re-styling of The Feelings covers, my research suggested that the audience would like to see more of the band in their products, so i decided to change the style of the digipak to a more band and style orientated theme, much like The Feelings website.

Cover Photo-shoot

I will be using the two main actors from the music video for the cover of the digipak, as this re-enforces the link between each product, therefore making the recognizability of the products and the brand stronger.


School hall/stage

Plain white background can be edited out of the photo during post production


Zak & Charlotte (characters from video)

Re-enforces links between each product making the band recognisability stronger


Same as the video – t shit and shorts / summer dress

Having the same costume as the video keeps the continuity between the texts


30 minutes

Enough time to take a range of shots in different lights and camera settings

This is the plan for the photo-shoot -

The photo will be taken from behind so that the studio lights that are in front of the actors create a silhouette effect around the bodies of the actors. This gives the photo a romantic look, while looking summery.

These are the photos from the photo-shoot -

I think these photos are great, just what i need for the cover of the digipak. Having the lights in front of the actors create a romantic glow around their bodies while their bodies are in shadow.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Construction of the digipak

I will be using Adobe Photoshop to construct the digipak as this is the industry standard DTP program. I have downloaded the template for the digipak and opened it in photoshop to give me a canvas to work on. I have started on the back cover, which is reflecting the bands current style represented through their website.

It would be too difficult for me to recreate The Feelings font, so i copied an image of the feelings logo into photoshop, i then made the image black and white and adjusted the colours so that the current colour of the font would be white (as the background to the back cover is black). I then copied this onto the digipak.

I then inserted the rest of the text into the digipak via the text tool. To make the text look like the feelings font, i edited the text properties to that the baseline of the text is higher, as well as decreasing the vertical and horizontal percentage scale, so that the characters after the capital are smaller. I also set a higher leading so that the lines are closer together, like the feelings text on 'Twelve Stops and Home'. I created a rectangular shape for the background of the back cover and changed the fill colour to black to contribute to the feelings style and image represented in the digipak.

I then added the Island records logo to the back, as it was suggested by the research that i include the record label of the band. To this i then added the copy-write information, as well as a bar-code and the spine of the digipak including the text.

I will be using a photo-shoot picture of the band as the main image of the back cover, this is to return the focus of the digipak back to the style and image of the band, firstly because the audience requested to see more of the band in their products, and also with the look of the products, the music will become a style (as the style of the band follows the music) instead of just a genre. I have included a picture of the feeling for now until i take the pictures of the photo-shoot with the actors of the video (to keep consistency between products).

I then went on The Feelings website so i could copy their neon logo, as i would be using it in the inside of my digipak. I print-screened the logo into photoshop and cropped it until it was the right size. I then copied it into the digipak. I also researched photo-shoot pictures of the band as i would be using a photo-shoot picture of the actors for the digipak. I found a suitable image which presented the band to be professional and stylish, i then copied it into the digipak.

I made another post on The Feelings forum to see if anyone knew what font The Feeling used, i had a response from one of the users saying that the font is called 'Andes', i researched the font and it was the right one! I then downloaded it so i could use it in photoshop. I also added some of the pop art items from The Feelings website to keep the continuity between The Feelings previous products and their new brand image that i am creating in this digipak.

To create the neon font for the inside of the digipak i will be using the Andes font that i downloaded before. Firstly i typed the text, then changed the colour of the text to the same neon colour the the logo on the feelings website. I then added an outer glow to this text to make it glow like the neon sign. I then duplicated the text to create the inside of the neon sign, i shrunk this layer so that it fitted inside the original text. I then duplicated the neon layer to make it bolder.

I then added the single band images that i took during the photo shoot and placed them at the bottom of the digipak. I colour corrected the pictures to make them look richer.

I then added the cover i constructed for the digipak by copying it from the cover file and importing it into the digipak file. I then resized it to the same size as the digipak so it is not pixelated or obviously manipulated, i also added the name of the single to the cover to complete it.

From my research i found out that the audience would like pictures, biogs, tour information and other information in the digipak, to i have done some research using The Feelings website and fansites to construct a short biog for the band to be included in the digipak. I also included information about the director or the bands music videos; Caswell Coggins, to keep continuity, as well as talking about the new album to be released later this year, which increases the interest for the band.

This is the finished inside digipak -

I now need to design the CD label, click here to see my designs. I downloaded a template from the same website as the digipak (duplication.ca).

I created 3 overlay layers that i can use to measure the size of the label and so i dont go over the bleed line.

My first design was the one of the feelings neon logo, so start i changed the colour overlay of the large circle to black, as the background colour for this design was black. This also keeps the continuity between the digipak and the magazine advert.

I then copied the neon logo that i created for the digipak and pasted it onto the CD label using the selection tool.

The one problem with using this logo on the CD label is that the trim size of the disk doesnt allow printing in the light grey area on the middle of the disk. This then cuts out the bottom of the logo.

I then added the name of the single to the label, using the same font and style as the other products.

This is the finished CD label (1)

The second label design was one of the band, for this i will be using the same template as before, but including the band photo from the photo shoot.

Here you can see that i am having the same problem as before with the trim of the label, as the most of the band are being cut out. One way to get around this problem is to do another photo shoot of the band members individually, or cut out each band member from the original photo (however because the band members are positioned behind each other, this wouldn't work).

I tried adding a lens flare to make it look like some light was glowing from the label, however it would have to be layered on a rasterized fill layer on top of the other content, blocking out the rest of the label.

The third CD label includes the same picture as the cover, as this links the video and the digipak together, keeping the continuity between the texts. I copied the image from the CD cover file and pasted it in the label file. I then used the rubber tool and select tool to remove the excess image from the label (i also changed the opacity of the large circle so that i can still see the size of the CD label).

I then layered the colour label on top of the template to give me the final product. The image is not disturbed by the trim of the CD so it fits very well.