Thursday, April 22, 2010

Designing of the digipak

Even though i have designed different covers, i think the digipak should have only one design that compliments the cover as well as adding to the bands image, style and theme that they have. I have found the dimensions and design of a blank digipak from a duplication company in Canada as well as a blank design i can use as a template (Click here to view website).

This is the template i will be using to design my digipak -

After looking at the covers of 'Twelve Stops and Home' and 'Join with Us', i decided to incorporate both styles of cover into my digipak, which is backed up by research which says that the pop arty retro style is what the feeling are recognized by, but the band and their image should be represented too. In my eyes the only way to achieve this is to incorporate both into the digipak, by having the retro pop art as the cover, but have a sleeker, more professional inside of the digipak reflecting their brand seen on their website and newer print material. This is the design i have drawn for the inside of the digipak. It includes the new logo for the feeling (neon sign), as well as pictures of the band members and information about the band and the single.

I have encountered another problem, what the design of the back of the digipak should be, as i do not know what the back of the feelings current covers look like. It will be difficult for me to incorporate the pop art style with the band orientated style if i cant find out what the back cover looks like.

From looking over the feedback from the questionnaire, the desire for the band to be included in their artwork is high, therefore i think the design for the back cover should be one including the band, possibly from a photo-shoot. However, this will also cause i dilemma with the continuity of the cover if the pop art design is proven popular.

This is the back cover i have designed, it includes a photoshoot picture of the band as this reenforces the bands image, as well as the island records logo, track information and a line from the song (suggested by the research).

When it comes to designing the CD itself, i can choose whether it follows once of 4 styles;
  1. Pop art (probably the same as the cover, just in CD shape)
  2. Relational to the video (picture of the boy and girl featured in the video)
  3. Picture of the band (probably the same as the back covers image)
  4. Plain black like the inside of the digipak and feature the feelings neon logo
It will be difficult to design the CD as there are so many designs i can use, however i think the cover i choose should be the same or very similar to the cover i choose to keep consistency throughout the digipak.

These are the designs i have drawn for the CD -

CD1 - pop art

CD2 - video

CD3 - band

CD4 - brand and style

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