Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Results from - Digipak questionnaire

The digipak questionnaire is solely for finding out what the feelings audience describe the current CD covers to be like, and what they think should be included in the digipak. It is important to find out what the target audience wants and build the product around their choices as this is how the product will be recognized and successful as a promotional tool for the band.

The Results
  1. The audience described the feelings 'twelve stops and home' cover to be; quirky, fucky, colourful, pop arty, inventive, representative of the bands style and image, cleverly edited, eye catching, random
  2. The audience said that the cover should be; pop arty because it keeps the continuity, maintains the bands image of eclecticism, band orientated as the random objects got old after their first album, pop arty as it promotes the music as a style rather than band-orientated, pop arty but about the song, similar to the videos
  3. What information should be included in the digipak; pictures and information about the band and their style of music, pictures of band members, lyrics of the song, live images, promo shots, interviews, biogs, record label, photo of the band joking around with eachother
  4. Should the cover represent the meaning of the song; yes symbolically - include pictures that mean something in the song, interpret the song loosely but dont represent it directly, depends what the song is about, yes if it is a happy song use bright colour, bold designs, if the song is meaningful use a photo, if it is more easy listening it should be eye catching like the feelings current covers
  5. The cover should include the feelings font or neon logo
The results have given me a great insight about what the audience thinks the digipak should be like and i will definitely create the cover around their opinions.

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