Monday, March 15, 2010

Digipak Research

As part of the brief, we need to design and create a digipak in which the CD will be presented, as well as a recognisable cover, band information and pictures. There are two main designs of digipaks; the 4 panel and 6 panel. These are usually made of cardboard or other hard card materials with a plastic jewel CD case. This is good because it prevents the cracking and scratching of the plastic in more conventional CD case styles, however the cardboard is prone to fading, ripping and feathering due to excessive use and age.

4 panel Digipak

The 4 panel being smaller and not having a fold out design. This design is much more conventional and similar to the original jewel case used for single CD releases.

6 panel Digipak

The 6 panel digipak is larger as it has more panels and folds out revealing the CD on one panel and information or pictures on the others.

Here are some example digipaks;

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